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The Importance of Metabolic Health to Healing from Trauma & Chronic Stress

Prioritize Your Metabolic Health for Improved Emotional Wellness

The potential impact that metabolic health can have on our mental wellbeing is immense. By improving our metabolic health, we can take huge strides toward healing from trauma and chronic stress. It is well-known that the two are closely linked, and that by supporting our bodies on a cellular level, we can restore balance to our lives and reduce the symptoms associated with these difficult problems. Metabolic health encompasses many different aspects, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and good sleep habits and deep connection with self and others - all of which are essential for achieving optimal emotional balance.

what does it mean to be metabolically healthy?

A person who is metabolically fit has good blood sugar control, ideal blood pressure, healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, a healthy waist circumference, and a normal BMI (body mass index). They are less likely to develop diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. They are also less likely to suffer from what some believe to be the emotional and mental consequences of inflammation like depression, anxiety and other mood difficulties.

how can you tell if you are metabolically healthy?

The first signs that you are not metabolically healthy show up on the outside, such as weight gain around the waist or fatigue. Jessie Inchauspé, a biochemist and the author of Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar , suggests checking your metabolic health biomarkers, including seeing your doctor to test glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure levels. A more straightforward way to determine your overall metabolic health is to check your body composition. If you have a high body fat percentage, especially around the abdomen, you may have metabolic issues. Of course, if you have concerns about your metabolic health, seeking guidance from a medical professional is strongly advised.

But wait, there's more...

Research indicates that a mere 12% of Americans meet the criteria for metabolic health, which can have significant ramifications for the majority. It is vital to recognize the signs of poor metabolic health, as they can manifest in various ways. Physical indicators such as abdominal weight gain or persistent fatigue may serve as early warning signs, but it is equally crucial to acknowledge the impact on mental well-being. Poor metabolic health can contribute to mental health symptoms such as increased stress, anxiety, depression, and decreased cognitive function.

It is also essential to understand the bidirectional relationship between trauma, chronic stress, and metabolic health. Traumatic experiences and chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to metabolic dysregulation. Conversely, poor metabolic health resulting from factors like unhealthy diet or sedentary lifestyle can contribute to increased stress and worsened mental health outcomes.

now for the good stuff...

Achieving metabolic health is 100% possible! By making specific lifestyle changes, you can significantly improve your metabolic health and, in turn, positively impact your mental wellbeing, reducing symptoms of trauma, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Let’s dig in a little.

improving metabolic health Through Nutrition, Movement, Sleep & Connection


To optimize your metabolic health utilizing nutrition, it is important to embrace a well-balanced diet that includes a wide variety of fresh, colorful, whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. This diverse range of nutrients will nourish your body, support a happy gut microbiome, and enhance metabolic functioning. Make it a goal to consume 30 or more different types of whole foods each week. Get creative with new recipes and explore different types of plant foods to enjoy the benefits of a vibrant and varied diet. The more diversity, the happier your gut microbiome and metabolic functioning will be.

make it a goal to consume 30 or more different types of whole foods each week.


Physical activity is important for your metabolic health as well as your healing. It is essential to incorporate it daily - even if it's in a series of tiny ways. Try creating a playlist of songs that inevitably make you move. Set it to random, hit play and take small dance breaks throughout the day. Invite your coworkers, family members, roommates or who ever is around to join you. This simple practice can have a profound impact on your metabolic health, helping to increase heart rate and blood flow and improve focus. Dancing supports the body's healing processes and aids in restoring emotional balance. Music and dance also help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote cognitive function, making it particularly crucial for healing from trauma and chronic stress.

try creating a playlist of songs that inevitably make you move. set it to random, hit play and take small dance breaks throughout the day.


Restorative sleep is crucial not only for your metabolic health - allowing your body to repair and rejuvenate itself - but also for your emotional well-being. A good night's sleep can enhance mood, improve concentration, and reduce stress levels, setting you up for success and positivity the next day. If you find it hard to let go of your worries at the end of the day and struggle to get restful sleep, try incorporating journaling into your bedtime routine. Take a few moments to write down all your thoughts and concerns just before you go to bed. By doing so, you give yourself the opportunity to release those worries from your mind and onto paper, creating a sense of closure for the day. Remind yourself that you've done everything you can for the day, and trust that it will be there in the morning if you really want to revisit it. This simple practice can help you get a more peaceful and rejuvenating night's sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the new day with a clear mind.

take a few moments to write down all your thoughts and concerns just before you go to bed.


When we connect with others, we're also connecting with ourselves on a deeper level. This connection, both with others and with oneself, is a vital component of healing from the physical and emotional effects of trauma & chronic stress. It helps keep our metabolic health in check which, in turn, positively influences our emotional state.

Carve out some time from your schedule and plan a date to reconnect with someone you haven't had a meaningful interaction with in a while. Consider stepping away from the digital world while you're together. Put technology on pause, even if only for a bit. This dedicated, intentional time spent in the company of another person plays a role in combating feelings of loneliness and isolation. But the impact doesn't stop there. Engaging in positive social interactions can stimulate the release of hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine (especially if you get a good laugh in), which are linked to feelings of happiness and reduced stress. Reduced stress levels can lead to better sleep, improved digestion, and more balanced blood sugar levels, all of which are crucial for optimal metabolic health. Additionally, positive social interactions can also contribute to healthier lifestyle habits, such as regular physical activity and balanced nutrition, which further support metabolic health.

carve out some time from your schedule and plan a date to reconnect with someone you haven't had a meaningful interaction with in a while.

Remember, prioritizing your metabolic health goes beyond physical well-being. It's about nurturing your mental health too. By enhancing your insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, and overall wellness, you can enjoy a happier mind and reduce the effects of trauma, stress, and the risk of chronic diseases. Taking care of your metabolic health utilizing a holistic approach will inevitably have powerful effects on your mental health. It truly is a win all around.

Please note that the information contained in this blog is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice. If you are experiencing trauma, chronic stress, or other mental health challenges, please seek support from a qualified mental health professional. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact your local emergency services or mental health crisis hotline.

Another note: AI was used to help write this blog, but all the content is researched, reviewed and revised by the Beautiful Intentions team. AI has certainly made life easier, but it doesn't even come close to doing all the work. You can rest easy knowing that all posts are within our current scope of practice and knowledge. We’re getting out info on healing faster thanks to AI - more important to us than taking all the credit!



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